Are you looking for

the BEST software solution

to support Collaborative Response?

In this free on-demand webinar, you will learn:

How the clarity, predictability, and structure of the Collaborative Team Meeting has been developed in WeCollab

The process of conducting a Collaborative Team Meeting WeCollab

How WeCollab enhances the transparency of communication that stems from Collaborative Team Meetings

Designed by educators for educators, the premise of WeCollab stemmed from the desire to enhance the efficiency around the Collaborative Team Meeting.

Are you looking for a software solution to augment Collaborative Response in your organization?

Join Jennifer as she walks through the Collaborative Team Meeting process in WeCollab, ensuring that multiple student profiles are updated with the determined supports and actions simultaneously through the collaborative conversation and that staff remain informed through transparent communication processes.

Total Webinar Duration: 43 minutes

Join Jennifer in this free on-demand webinar to learn more about…

  • The alignment of the intentional agenda of the Collaborative Team Meeting with the design of WeCollab
  • The way to record the purpose for each and every team meeting for clarity in WeCollab
  • The process for reviewing team norms when prompted in WeCollab
  • The technique for recording celebrations when prompted in WeCollab
  • The automatic meeting notes sent from WeCollab as soon as the meeting has ended
  • The dissemination of group meetings notes into individual notes in student profiles in WeCollab

Meet the Presenter

Jennifer Ferguson readily engages in opportunities to build her capacity as a leader

and as a result her journey has led her into a unique role as WeCollab Lead with Jigsaw Learning.

While currently focused on enhancing collaborative structures and processes by aligning digital supports,

her background in education is vast. Jennifer’s years as a K-12 classroom teacher, learning coach,

and district coordinator have afforded her a wide array of experiences including but not limited to strategic planning, Curriculum Working Groups, and leading professional learning endeavours.

Interested in learning more?

Check out the free webinars section of our website to explore further sessions regarding WeCollab and Collaborative Response,

all focused on enhancing the power of collaborative efforts in your organization!