Every Child Deserves a Team!

Ensuring success for all students is a moral imperative for all schools, but it takes a highly coordinated framework of structures and processes within a school to maximize the collective capacity of the team.

In this 2 hour on-demand, online workshop, you will learn:

The three foundational components essential to ensuring an aligned Collaborative Response in schools

How Collaborative Response can take your current Professional Learning Communities (PLC) and Response to Intervention (RTI) efforts to the next level

Workshop Overview

Come learn about Collaborative Response, an organizational mindset that involves some fundamental shifts for schools and districts, such as layering collaborative team structures, transforming how we talk about student needs, focusing on students close to meeting expectations through thoughtful organization of data and evidence and ensuring tiering of supports rather than students. Simple shifts that emerge through a focus on Collaborative Response and the good news is that some likely already exist in your building!

Numerous school and district examples, as well as access to a large number of resources, will be provided for school leaders wishing to join thousands of schools using Collaborative Response to ensure high levels of success for students and staff!

Who Should Register

  • School and district leaders, teachers, and support staff interested in learning more about Collaborative Response
  • Educators committed to ensuring success for all students
  • This on-demand workshop is also an ideal way for staff new to organizations already implementing Collaborative Response to understand the foundational components of Collaborative Response.

For Only $49, You Will Receive:


Access a number of free resources, samples and templates


Return to the recording to rewatch any portion or all of the recorded workshop


Receive discount codes for additional resources following the session

What Your Colleagues Are Saying...

"The best professional learning opportunity a school leader can participate in!"

- Melissa Kerr, Principal - Mundare School - Elk Island Public Schools

"The Collaborative Response framework has guided our school division to have deep and meaningful conversations around school level data. The conversations have led to action oriented planning and the implementation of supports for all students. Having a Collaborative Response approach has positively impacted our schools for the better!"

- Joanna Landry, Superintendent of Education Services - Regina Catholic Schools, Saskatchewan

"We all need to be on the same team when it comes to student success and we are seeing huge benefits from Collaborative Response as it sets the table for increased student achievement at every grade level and subject area."

- Adam Murray, Superintendent - Peace River School Division

Join Kurtis in This On-Demand Workshop to Learn More About…

  • The origin story of Collaborative Response
  • How we can reduce the number of meetings about students in our school…by adding one more!
  • How we can support the needs of students…by not focusing on the student
  • How we can provide support for our most at-risk students…by not paying attention to them in our collaborative team meetings
  • How we can place primary support on effective classroom practice by tiering the supports…not the students
  • Why Collaborative Response can take your PLC and RTI efforts to the next level!

Access the participant handout to record key ideas shared during the workshop and access additional resources

Meet the Presenter

Kurtis Hewson has been an award-winning teacher, vice-principal, and principal, as well as taught at the post-secondary level. With over a decade of experience as an administrator, Kurtis has championed the call for collaborative structures in schools to ensure success for all students. In addition to two finalist awards from Alberta Excellence in Teaching program and an Edwin Parr award recipient for excellence in his first year of teaching, Kurtis was an honouree for the ASCD Outstanding Young Educator Award in 2010. Kurtis is one of five Alberta principals featured in Reflecting on Leadership for Learning: Case Studies of Five Alberta Elementary School Principals, addressing exemplary leadership practices in elementary schools in Alberta. He is the co-founder of Jigsaw Learning, a co-author of the text Collaborative Response: Three Foundational Components That Transform How We Respond to the Needs of Learners (Corwin, 2022), and currently works with districts and schools nationally and internationally establishing Collaborative Response frameworks and interacting with thousands of educators annually.

Interested in Learning More?

Check out the FREE Webinars and On-Demand Workshops sections of our website to explore further sessions, all focused on enhancing the power of collaborative efforts in your organization!