Transitions are an integral part of life in schools. With careful reflection and intentional planning we can take advantage of the opportunity for a new start each year.

As we move through the messy middle of transitioning from one school year into another, it is important to take the time to engage in diligent deliberation toward next steps.

In this on-demand workshop, you will learn:

5 considerations for wrapping up the current school year and

5 considerations for starting up your Collaborative Response in the new year.

In this on-demand workshop, Lorna will reveal 5 considerations for wrapping up the current school year and 5 considerations for starting up your Collaborative Response in the new year.

For only $25, you will receive:


Access a number of free resources, samples and templates


Return to the recording to rewatch any portion or all of the recorded workshop


Receive discount codes for additional resources following the session

Join Lorna in this Supporting Collaborative Response on-demand workshop to learn more about…

  • Importance of transitions and how to move through the messy middle of moving through one year to the next
  • Engaging in reflective practise to learn from our successes and challenges
  • New opportunities for a new year to restart your Collaborative Response
  • Understanding the iterative process of learning, committing and moving to action

Access the 10 Considerations for Fall Startup to record key ideas shared in this on-demand workshop

Meet the Presenter

Lorna Hewson is a passionate educator who is engaged full time with Jigsaw Learning as a Lead Learner and co-author of the Corwin Best Seller Collaborative Response: Three Foundational Components That Transform How We Respond to the Needs of Student. Lorna’s diverse roles in schools and districts has provided a wealth of experience in essentially every area of development in supporting the needs of schools, staff and students. With Jigsaw Learning, Lorna engages in a variety of support structures with systems, including coaching, mentoring, leading and facilitating schools and districts in the areas of Collaborative Response, designing and coordinating teams throughout systems, building literacy and early years frameworks, and designing inclusive learning frameworks.

Interested in learning more?

Check out the FREE Webinars and On-Demand Workshops sections of our website to explore further sessions, all focused on enhancing the power of collaborative efforts in your organization!